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Theme 1: Archaeological Material Part 1 led by Dr. Florian Cousseau

jeudi 21 jan 2021
Institut des Sciences de l'Environnement - Directement rattaché a l'institut

8:45–9:00 Opening Remarks from Prof. Marie Besse
9:00–9:20 E. Derenne
D. Carloni
M. Besse
Revealing the Chaines Opératoires of the Bell Beaker
Pottery of the Petit-Chasseur Necropolis (Sion, Valais
– Switzerland): Ceramic Paste Characterization and
9:20–9:40 Q. Favrel Degrees of Investment in Bell Beaker Ceramics from
Northwestern France
9:40–10:00 P.-J. Rey
J.-M. Treort
The Bell Beaker and Early Bronze Age Ceramic Set
from the Preventive Excavations of the Auguste Isaac
Street (Lyon 9e, Rhône, France)
10:00–10:20 A. Pérez Romero
M. Francés Negro
J.M. Carretero
Chalcolithic Bell Beaker Pottery in the El Portalón de
Cueva Mayor Site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain)