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SRDD2020 Panel 7: Report on the Swiss National Open Research Data Strategy swissuniversities working group

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by Dr. Christian Lovis, HUG and UNIGE
Thursday 22 October 2020
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SRDD2020: Swiss Research Data Day 2020 - Emergent approaches for Open Science

SRDD2020 Panel 1: NCCR ROBOTICS Research Data Management Strategy: A Workflow Application

SRDD2020 Panel 1: NCCR ROBOTICS Research Data Management Strategy: A Workflow Application

Valeria Di Cola
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 1: Demonstration of at the Swiss Research Data Day

SRDD2020 Panel 1: Demonstration of at the Swiss Research Data Day

Pierre-Yves Burgi, Hugues Cazeaux, André Jelicic
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 1: Managing the Life Cycle of a Portfolio of Open Data Resources

SRDD2020 Panel 1: Managing the Life Cycle of a Portfolio of Open Data Resources

Christine Durinx
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 1: Secure Handling of Confidential Research Data

SRDD2020 Panel 1: Secure Handling of Confidential Research Data

Diana Coman Schmid
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 2: SNSF Open Research Data Policy: First Experiences

SRDD2020 Panel 2: SNSF Open Research Data Policy: First Experiences

Lionel Perini
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 2: Experiences from the DLCM pilot projects and possible implications for research data management at universities (of applied sciences)

SRDD2020 Panel 2: Experiences from the DLCM pilot projects and possible implications for research data management at universities (of applied sciences)

Julian Durrer, Joël Pothier, Andreas Fürholz
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 2: DMLawTool: A Guiding Tool for Researchers to Address Legal Aspects in Data Management

SRDD2020 Panel 2: DMLawTool: A Guiding Tool for Researchers to Address Legal Aspects in Data Management

Branislava Trifkovic, Anna Picco-Schwendener
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 3: Three years of publishing data in ETH Zurich’s Research Collection: Lessons learned and new developments

SRDD2020 Panel 3: Three years of publishing data in ETH Zurich’s Research Collection: Lessons learned and new developments

Barbara Hirschmann
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 3: (Meta)Data Quality & Logistics: the FAIR Data Publication Workflow at Eawag and WSL

SRDD2020 Panel 3: (Meta)Data Quality & Logistics: the FAIR Data Publication Workflow at Eawag and WSL

Harald Von Waldow, Ionuţ Iosifescu Enescu
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 3: UNIL’S Open Science Strategy & Action Plan

SRDD2020 Panel 3: UNIL’S Open Science Strategy & Action Plan

Carmen Jambé, Micaela Crespo Quesada, Gérard Bagnoud
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 4: Geovistory Workshop - How to implement FAIR data production in a virtual research environment

SRDD2020 Panel 4: Geovistory Workshop - How to implement FAIR data production in a virtual research environment

David Knecht, Francesco Beretta
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 5: DLCM’s MOOC: Bring your questions and pick up your answers

SRDD2020 Panel 5: DLCM’s MOOC: Bring your questions and pick up your answers

Basma Makhlouf-Shabou, Silas Krug
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 5: Developing short and flexible training programs in Open Science and Research Data Management

SRDD2020 Panel 5: Developing short and flexible training programs in Open Science and Research Data Management

René Schneider, Nicolas Tregan
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 1: Bottom-up Open Science shift for data and code: the case for a Data Champions community

SRDD2020 Panel 1: Bottom-up Open Science shift for data and code: the case for a Data Champions community

Francesco Varrato
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 2: Copyright and open licenses for data

SRDD2020 Panel 2: Copyright and open licenses for data

Anouk Santos
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 5: FAIRification supports large-scale multi-omics data integration in systems genetics

SRDD2020 Panel 5: FAIRification supports large-scale multi-omics data integration in systems genetics

Alexis Rapin
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 5: Demonstration of Nuvolos, the knowledge-creating platform for research and education

SRDD2020 Panel 5: Demonstration of Nuvolos, the knowledge-creating platform for research and education

Tamer Khraisha
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 5: FAIR4Health: Improving Health Research in EU through FAIR Data

SRDD2020 Panel 5: FAIR4Health: Improving Health Research in EU through FAIR Data

Vasiliki Foufi
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 6: Needs and Challenges for Putting FAIR into Practice

SRDD2020 Panel 6: Needs and Challenges for Putting FAIR into Practice

Peter Wittenburg
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 6: Research Data as a New Model of Scholarly Writing in SSH (H2020 project OPERAS-P)

SRDD2020 Panel 6: Research Data as a New Model of Scholarly Writing in SSH (H2020 project OPERAS-P)

Claire Clivaz, Elisa Nury
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 6: a national research data management service for the Swiss scientific community

SRDD2020 Panel 6: a national research data management service for the Swiss scientific community

Caterina Barillari
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 6: The CHEMeDATA initiative: A step towards FAIR chemistry data

SRDD2020 Panel 6: The CHEMeDATA initiative: A step towards FAIR chemistry data

Damien Jeannerat
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 7: Report on the Swiss National Open Research Data Strategy swissuniversities working group

SRDD2020 Panel 7: Report on the Swiss National Open Research Data Strategy swissuniversities working group

Christian Lovis
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 7: What to consider in regards of Long Term Research Data Preservation - The EPFL ACOUA project

SRDD2020 Panel 7: What to consider in regards of Long Term Research Data Preservation - The EPFL ACOUA project

Eliane Blumer, Alessandra Bianchi
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 7: Materials Cloud, a platform for open computational science

SRDD2020 Panel 7: Materials Cloud, a platform for open computational science

Valeria Granata
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 7: AiiDA 1.0, a scalable computational infrastructure for automated reproducible workflows and data provenance

SRDD2020 Panel 7: AiiDA 1.0, a scalable computational infrastructure for automated reproducible workflows and data provenance

Francisco Ramirez
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 7: SWISSUbase - A Multidiscplinary Archiving Service for Research Data

SRDD2020 Panel 7: SWISSUbase - A Multidiscplinary Archiving Service for Research Data

Stefan Buerli
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Panel 8: Learn about which are the most relevant legal issues when managing and archiving data and how to approach them

SRDD2020 Panel 8: Learn about which are the most relevant legal issues when managing and archiving data and how to approach them

Suzanna Marazza, Yves Bauer
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020: Welcome and introduction

SRDD2020: Welcome and introduction

Pierre-Yves Burgi, Patrick Furrer, Basma Makhlouf-Shabou
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020 Opening keynote: Research data management and long-term preservation using blockchain

SRDD2020 Opening keynote: Research data management and long-term preservation using blockchain

Hrvoje Stancic
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020: Open Data Strategy at the HES-SO

SRDD2020: Open Data Strategy at the HES-SO

Christine Pirinoli
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020: Leveraging Cross-Domain Collaboration for Sustainable Research Data Management

SRDD2020: Leveraging Cross-Domain Collaboration for Sustainable Research Data Management

Nancy Mcgovern
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020: Wrap up

SRDD2020: Wrap up

Martin Jaekel
Thursday 22 October 2020
SRDD2020: Preserving large quantities of data and maintaining digital sovereignty

SRDD2020: Preserving large quantities of data and maintaining digital sovereignty

Alberto Pace
Thursday 22 October 2020