25 résultats


28th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics


Disks and jets

ESA gravitational wave observatory, eLISA and LISA Pathfinder

Exact solutions in astrophysics

Exploring gravity in the strong field regime with high throughput X-ray measurements

Heading into the abyss: X-ray spectral timing of accreting black holes

Cosmic ray acceleration and transport

Lest we forget

IceCube and the discovery of high-energy cosmic neutrinos

The gamma-ray Universe

Magnetars: the Universe strongest magnets

Towards a unified model for the gamma-ray burst prompt emission & a new luminosity-hardness relation for cosmology

Experimental tests of general relativity in binary systems

Rattle and shine by compact binaries mergers

Quantum effects on black holes: evaporation, tunnelling, information leak. Anything observable ?

The LHC and the Universe

Towards fundamental physics from cosmological surveys

A unifying description of dark energy

Dark matter detection - an experimental overview

The equation of state of dense matter

Status of the Advanced Virgo project

First hundred years of GR: successes, status and prospects

Einstein's Swiss Years

Relativistic effects in large-scale structure surveys

CMB temperature and polarisation anisotropies: a goldmine for cosmology

CMB spectral distortions