18 résultats


L'Image Numérique 3DVisual Contagions through the Lens of New Media. Symposium of the Visual Contagions project, Chair for Digital Humanities. September 13-15 2021, University of Geneva, Switzerland


Introduction to 3D Modeling Software for cultural heritage_1

Introduction to 3D Modeling Software for cultural heritage_1

Perception and creation of digital 3D objects

Introduction to 3D Models and 3D Reconstructions

3D data acquisition using Photogrammetry and Scanning methods_1

Processing of image data using photogrammetry software (Basics)

Processing of image data using photogrammetry software (Advanced)

Kevin Pauliks: Infecting the Internet. Memes Between Virality and Practice

Simon Zara : The Latent Image : Mutation, Potentiality, Viscosity

Anthony Bekirov & Thibaut Vaillancourt: Alternate Reality Games: a new mechanism of the virtual

Paolo Ruffino: Contagious games: agency and affect in videogame culture

Patrick Jagoda: Transmedia Contagions: Alternate Reality Games as Engines of Networked Collectivity"

Max Bonhomme: Composite Imagery and Political Propaganda. From Luther to 4Chan

Gabriele Marino: The Semiotics of Internet Memes

Marie-Laure Delaporte: Who’s afraid of GTA? « The best-selling cultural product in the world»: from the screen to the museum

Daniel Berndt: Beyond the exhibition space. Embeddedness and circulation of digital video art online

Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau: A Phenomenological and enactive approach of intermedial visual contagions

Rui-Long Monico: Geek & Hustler: The Rapper as an Agent of Spread of Contemporary New Media Aesthetics, Culture & Ideology