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Thematic Session 3 The future of AI & Philanthropy

vendredi 15 mar 2024
Rectorat - centre en philanthropie

Thematic Session 3:
The future of AI & Philanthropy

Moderator: Mr. Milos Marcic.

● Panelist 1: Ms. Yolanda Botti-Lodovico, Policy
and Advocacy Lead of the Patrick J. McGovern
● Panelist 2: Dr. Sebastian Hallensleben, Chair of
CEN-CENELEC JTC 21 at the European Union.
● Panelist 3: Mr. Nelson Amaya, Policy Analyst at
OECD Centre on Philanthropy.
● Panelist 4: Mr. Rhodri Davies, Pears Fellow at
the Centre for Philanthropy of the University of
Kent, former Head of Policy at Charities Aid