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Capsule 31_Artificial intelligence, the mirror of our society
Version française:
Thursday, 2 February 2023
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"With the digitization of society, artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly present in our daily lives. It makes recommendations that impact our lives. These algorithms are fed by billions of pieces of data (voices, texts, images, videos...) and become the mirror of an unequal society: women, but also racialized people are under-represented or represented in traditional roles. What can we do to ensure that the digital transition opens the way to a more inclusive world"
Capsules DSFA sous-titrées
Capsule 31_Artificial intelligence, the mirror of our society
Isabelle Collet
Thursday 2 February 2023
Capsule 30_Predicting clinical trial risks with machine learning
Douglas Teodoro
Wednesday 1 February 2023
Capsule 33_Connaître Les Systèmes Multi-agents
Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo
Saturday 4 February 2023
Capsule 47_Tips and tricks for making your datasets visible
Floriane Muller
Sunday 19 February 2023
Capsules 51_ Dynamic documents: an alternative to word processors
Mattia Fritz
Thursday 23 February 2023
Capsule 52_ Gestion de données: enjeux juridiques, lois et réglementations
Margot Voisin
Friday 24 February 2023
Capsule 12_Anonymising or de-identifying data: nuances and issues
Christian Lovis
Saturday 14 January 2023
Capsule 17_A la découverte des auto-encodeurs variationnels
Alexandros Kalousis
Thursday 19 January 2023
Capsule 36_Natural language processing and its application
Jamil Zaghir
Wednesday 8 February 2023
Capsule 54_Relever les défis environnementaux grâce à l'IA
Denisa Rodila
Sunday 26 February 2023
Capsule OAIS_ The OAIS standard, the conceptual basis for archiving
Hugues Cazeaux
Wednesday 1 March 2023
Capsule 13_The empirical probability distribution
Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser
Sunday 15 January 2023
Capsule 35_Administrative registers, a goldmine for researchers
Philippe Wanner
Tuesday 7 February 2023
Capsule 26_Le consentement en recherche: enjeux et modèles existants
Minerva Rivas Velarde
Saturday 28 January 2023
Capsule 38_La méthode Design Science Research
Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo
Friday 10 February 2023
Capsule 43_La sélection de caractéristiques pour calibrer son modèle
Lucia Gomez Teijeiro
Wednesday 15 February 2023
Capsule 46_Look at my numbers: the challenges of data visualization
Lamia Friha
Saturday 18 February 2023
Capsule 48_FoNDUE, UNIGE's HTR infrastructure
Pauline Jacsont, Aurélia Marques Oliveira
Monday 20 February 2023