Cross-Sector Intelligence and Foresight to accelerate the SDGs
Hedjazi Alexandre, Ambos Tina, Reubi Markus, Earney Chris, Mariyasin Dmitry, Guthrie Bryonie + 2 autres
The heightened conditions of polycrisis triggered by wars, climate change, biodiversity loss,pollution and waste beg the need for creative solutions that draw on the knowledge,expertise, and resources of various sectors and organizations. Such solutions should gobeyond addressing immediate needs to enabling the consolidation of resilienttransformative development pathways, which decouple growth from resourceconsumption while driving economic and social progress

Delays in consolidating such pathways will only aggravate environmental degradation andinequalities. This is the main take away message from the UNECE 2023 assessment of theregion’s progress on the 2030 Agenda.[1]The report paints a worrisome picture: there is nota single Goal on track. Further, with only 18% of the 105 measured targets met, the regioncould only achieve 21 SDG targets by 2030, down from 26 targets found on track the yearbefore.

Globally, 2024 will be a year where the stark questions on the future will come into focus atthe Summit of the Future and in the run-up to it. This will include looking at how themultilateral system can respond to the polycrisis and support transformative change.

International Geneva has a special role to play in this context, with several players in the ecosystem already playing a key role in shaping the future of multilateral action for 2030 and beyond.