28th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
The Texas Symposia on Relativistic Astrophysics discuss astrophysical discoveries in the fields related to the relativistic theory of gravitation, cosmology, black-holes, quasars, neutron stars, X-ray binaries, gamma-ray bursts, particle acceleration, the cosmic background, dark matter and dark energy. The 28th Texas Symposium, organized by the University of Geneva, took place in Geneva December 13-18, 2015. It included morning plenary sessions and 20 afternoon parallel sessions. 460 scientists participated from 46 countries. The videos of the plenary morning sessions are available here. Presentations given during the parallel sessions are available on the conference web site at http://indico.cern.ch/event/336103/
Créé le :
February 18 2016
Mis à jour :
March 8 2016
Année académique :
Faculté des sciences
Département d'astronomie
Title | Date de création | publié | visibilité | Durée | # Vues |
Les auteurs
Lacki Jan
Kramer Michael
Blasi Pasquale
Padmanabhan Thanu
Trimble Virginia
Peiris Hiranya
Tchekhovskoy Alexander
Bonvin Camille
Aghanim Nabila
Sunyaev Rashid
Langlois David
Baudis Laura
Watts Anna
Ricci Fulvio
Lehner Luis
Rovelli Carlo
Giudice Gian
Holzen Francis
Hinton Jim
Rea Nanda
Guiriec Sylvain
Vitale Stefano
Ishak Mustapha
Stella Luigi
Fabian Andrew